Jan 27, 2021
As many of you know, the district has recently purchased webcams for your classrooms. Some of you have already gotten them. If you haven't, rest assured they are coming soon. Once they are set up, they work just like the internal cameras that you have been using on your laptops and iPads. The added benefit is that they also come with a tripod, so you are not just tied to your desktop computer. In your package, there is also a tiny remote that will start and stop the video feature on your iPad or smartphone.
I have started a Google Folder of webcam tutorial videos. The first three explain how to set the camera/mic up. They are short and sweet. Please feel free to check them out here. This folder will be updated as I create more videos to assist you further with the use of the webcam or I find new and interesting ways to use them.
As always, please let me know if there is anything you need!
Christy Brock
Instructional Coach K-5
Pemberton Township Schools
609-893-8141 ext. 1160