Viewsonic has suggested to using myViewboard instead of vBoard or vBoard Lite as they are phasing it out. The software can be downloaded from:
Set up of myViewBoard - Done by someone with Admin Privileges logged on to staff member's account
- When you go to this site you will see the following:
- Click on the "myViewBoard for Windows 64 bit" link to download the software.
- During installation, you will be asked to enter an email address for Activation purposes. Enter staff members email address.
- After the install is completed the staff member will get an email that contains a link to Activate the software.
- Once it says Activation is successful you MUST login to the account using their Google credentials. On the myViewBoard website, when you activate the software, it will take you through set up of the staff member's "account".
- On the desktop will be an icon that looks like
Double click on it to launch the software - In the bottom right there is a sign in for myViewboard
Click on the "Google" icon to sign in with staff member's Google credentials - When prompted sign in with the staff member's normal Google username and password. Once this is done you will now have a program similar to Smart Notebook that can create presentations useable with the ViewSonic IFPs. It is also possible to import existing .NOTEBOOK files that were created in Smart Notebook.
Basic tools for Import and Manipulation of files, images, and data
- Make special Note of the toolbar
Click on the highlighted icon shown above (known as "the Magic Box" - You will get a new window that looks like the one shown
For details on what each of these icons does you can also go to the following webpage - Once you import any of these items you can interact or manipulate them as needed using the markup tools on the toolbar
We are all still learning this technology so please feel free to experiment and discover things on your own. ViewSonic also has a YouTube Channel with training videos that can prove to be helpful as well. The videos are no longer than 5 minutes and give a lot of helpful tips and tricks.
If you find you have questions or would like details on how to do certain things feel free to contact your building's technology support. If they do not have the answers you are looking for they can certainly reach out to our ViewSonic Support Representatives to find them out.