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Trim Videos Computer - Ipad

1. ![][1] 2 ![][2] 3. ![][3] 4. ![][4] 5. ![][5] 6. ![][6] 7. ![][7] 8. ![][8] 9. ![][9] 10. ![][10] 11. ![][11] 12. ![][12] 13. ![][13] 14. ![][14] 15. ![][15] 16. ![][16] 17. ![][17] 18. ![][18] 19. ![][19] 20. ![][20] 21. ![][21] 22. ![][22] 23. ![][23] 24. ![][24] …

Video Meetings and Discussions

Please review this Google document which was prepared by your instructional coaches. [Google Meet Protocols ][1] [1]:

SureBus Video Requests

**DRAFT** Beginning during the summer '22 the Technology department took a more active role in the bus video retrieval process. Our goal was to fine tune the system so that we're able to consistently deliver the requested video footage timely. Step 1. Visit the technology request system @ - This can b…

GoGuardian Video Conferencing

For detailed instructions on how to use GoGuardian for instruction please review the information prepared by your Instructional Coaches. [][1] [1]:

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